Ray Family

Ray Family

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"RAMP IT UP" for the Golden Family!

I am so excited to announce that the Goldens have less than $10,000 to raise for the adoption of Caleb and Jackson! Just a few short weeks ago they were $26,000 away from their boys. God has blessed them tremendously, and they are on the last lap.

Joel and Rachel met in high school and have been married for almost 16 years now. Over the past 8 years, they have felt a pull toward adoption, but for one reason or another they never pursued it. This time, however, is different. God has led them right to Reece's Rainbow and these wonderful children just waiting for a home. They became aware of RR through friends who adopted 2 little girls with Down Syndrome from Ukraine. These friends kept telling Joel and Rachel about these children but subbornly the Goldens refused to listen. Then came the day they met these two little blessings. Wow! God got ahold of them right then and made it known that this was what He had for them also. So then started the looking at pictures, researching, looking at more pictures, getting the homestudy underway, looking at more pictures, and starting the fundraising. They are very excited to be bringing home their first two children. There is a loving home, with family, friends, and an amazing church family just waiting for them to be here. Joel and Rachel find it so hard waiting on little things like paperwork or fund raising, when they are so ready for these little ones to be here.

Their paperwork pregancy is almost over; their dossier was submitted just seven days after ours on April 21, 2011. They will be traveling in 4-6 weeks and need our help. So in honor of their last "less than $10,000" I'm starting a "Ramp it Up" fundraiser. Can you give $20, $50, $100, or more... or even $5 in lieu of that daily Starbucks?! (you can still get your drink if you want :) Every little bit helps and counts! There is no giveaway or drawing for something amazing; the only reward is knowing you helped save two orphans, and knowing God will bless you abundantly for doing so. What do you say friends? Let's RAMP IT UP!!!!

go to http://reecesrainbow.org/sponsorgolden and donate whatever you feel led to give. Every donation, no matter the amount is much appreciated. THANK YOU!

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