Ray Family

Ray Family

Thursday, January 2, 2014


We had another wonderful Christmas. We love watching the Littles get excited and open their presents. Micah has finally got the hang of the process and decided to open other people's gifts and then furiously throw away all the trash.

We enjoyed a delicious dinner with our missionaries on Christmas Eve and hosted them Skyping home to their families.  Then the Pajama Fairy delivered some awesome jammies at our doorstep.

Gracie and Chloe were allowed to spend $10 each on little trinkets from their school's Santa Shop. They were so proud to choose, purchase, wrap, and give their very own gifts to the family.


The kids were so excited they got exactly what they asked from Santa!

Cool gifts from Jennifer! Thank you, Jen!!!
Our trash monster... he loves to help clean up!

And gifts from Grandma Mary...

The beautiful framed picture from Barry. Philippians 3:14.

Barry's brother and his family came over on Christmas afternoon for lunch and presents, and we got to visit with them for the afternoon.

The next day, I took the Littles to see my family for a few days and we got to open even MORE presents! It was so nice to see my parents, siblings, nieces, grandparents, and Fischer's grandparents (Brian and Shirley). I miss them all so much. I just wish I had more time to see my friends! These trips are never long enough. (I didn't get any pictures of this part) :(

We hope you all were able to enjoy a nice, warm, relaxing, and comfortable Christmas as well! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love all the pictures. I want the red headed doll. She is really pretty and the Ford truck is cool too. Glad you got to see your family. Now on to the next adventure.
Cheryl Turner