Ray Family

Ray Family

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Home stretch!

Two things happened today.

One was the usual running around for fingerprints, notarizations, etc. Same ole stuff, different day. But later in the evening, I realized that we are DONE running around! Once we get our signed Homestudy report next week, I can mail that off with our I-600a application to USCIS (formerly INS), then we just wait for an approval and biometrics appointment (more fingerprints, lol). Once we get that done, we wait for our I-171H a.k.a "golden ticket". Once we get our golden ticket, we can send our dossier to Micah's country, and wait for our SDA appointment to meet him! In reality, these last two steps can take 2-6 months, but we are really in the home stretch! I don't have to run around anymore, now I just get to sit back and wait, and FedEx will be my new best friend!

The second thing that happened was probably one of the most funny moments in my life. When we found Micah's profile at RR, we thought that was his real name. After we got attached to it, we found out that RR gives aliases to the kids to protect their identity in their home countries. We decided to keep Micah because it fits him, and it means "Who resembles God" or "Who is like God" depending on which website you check. So, it is fitting for him and the situation and we are settled on it. However, just for fun, I told the girls last night that we could name him anything we wanted; that he didn't know who Micah was. We were talking about middle names too. I offered Garrett because that is my grandma's maiden name, and it was a name I would have used if I ever had another boy. Chloe liked it, but Gracie did NOT! She retorted, "His name is Micah! Don't you understand? He's my brother, and I love him so much. I want him to come home with me. His name is just Micah and nothing else!" She was literally yelling at us and very upset by the whole thing. I was laughing so hard. She yelled, "Don't you understand" twice! So, we said, "Don't worry, his name is Micah. We aren't changing it." Then she calmed down. That little girl has some fire in her, but she knows what should be, and now Micah will know that we ALL chose his name :)

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