Ray Family

Ray Family

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Time and all eternity

I apologize for the lack of pictures lately. I'm waiting to get a few for my last post and will be waiting a couple weeks for some for this one as well.

Most of my friends and family know that we are Latter-day Saints, a.k.a. Mormon. I don't talk about it much publicly, choosing mostly to try to live a good life and be a decent example in the world and share the love of Christ. Honestly, I think I mostly try to avoid the topic of religion hoping it will avoid conflict or debate. I do love the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul and don't think anyone who personally knows me can debate with that.

I wasn't sure whether or not to post this publicly, but because it is a significant event in our life, I thought I should document it.

Six years ago, Barry and I got married in a civil service in Lake Tahoe. After the wedding, we were blessed to be sealed for time and all eternity in the Redlands Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Being sealed as an eternal family is a big deal in our faith and religion. It allows us to be with our family forever, right along side of Jesus Christ! It has deep meaning to LDS members, and to our family.

When children are born to previously sealed parents, they are born with the promised blessings of the eternal sealing. Since adopted children aren't "born in the covenant", a special sealing ceremony is possible to attain these blessings. We wanted Micah to have the blessings of an eternal family, which extends beyond our immediate family. It links us to generations before us and generations to come.

We had his sealing ceremony in the Redlands Temple today. We were joined by some wonderful friends from our church, and some of our children were able to witness the sealing. So now in addition to being adopted into our earthly family, Micah is adopted into God's eternal family. It was quite the beautiful experience to share in this temple ordinance.

We are so grateful for sweet temple workers who volunteer their time to make these types of experiences memorable ones... and for dear friends who jump up to lend a helping hand with small children. To Sisters Morgan, Jensen, and La Fever and President Tait: THANK YOU!!! :)

Afterwards, we got to take what I hope are some really great family photos. One five year old little girl did not want to have her picture taken :( But if they can turn out well, Casey will make sure that happens! :) I can't wait to see them in a couple weeks. Thank you Casey!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

What a special day! Joel got to baptize Darya last fall and it was a beautiful time to celebrate, too! :-)